Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's hot, it's hot, it's hot in here...

I am SO thankful for air conditioners!!!
Unfortunately, we just got our electric bill. It is almost double what it was last month! What in the world??? So anyway, we are trying to ease the temp. in the house up a little (yeah right). Also, we are having fun trying to stay cool plenty of other ways:

1. We go to Nashville Shores. We actually got season's passes this year! Oh, let me tell ya, these little girls who walk around in less bathing suit than I wear in the shower...they should be ashamed. Where are their parents? Ok, I didn't even mean to start talking about that. But really, how do I explain that to my precious boys who don't need to see that??? RF even went down one of the big slides...Once. (he did NOT like that)

2. We go to our pool at the clubhouse. Even Little Lady loves it there; she has her own personal baby "boat float" and she just waddles around the baby pool by herself (with me hovering over her constantly, of course). RF and LMcB are just a little too brave, in my opinion. At least RF can swim, but they both try to "dive" in the big pool. (shudder) We have gone to the pool just about every day except church days lately. The water in the pools is getting a little too warm from the sun, though; I know there's such thing as heated pools...maybe I should come up with a way to COOL them, then sell that idea and make millions!!! I think I'll actually do that....

3. We have drunk gaaaaallllllllooooonnnnnnsssss of Kool Aid. I mean GALLONS!!! Seems like I'm making two gallons a day! But it's cheap and very refreshing (sounds like an advertisement). We buy the packs from Aldi, where you never know what flavors you're going to get. We have therefore had some pretty crazy flavor concoctions, but when you're 6 and 3, who cares if you're drinking Strawberry/Lemon Lime? Actually it wasn't bad at all! Sounds like something you could order at Sonic!

4. We have consumed about 4million popsicles. That does include the ones we share with the neighbor kids, but most of them have gone to RF & LMcB. It gets tricky when we're down to the last few...and both of them want The Green One. Really, LMcB just wants what RF wants, but we have yet to have two of the same when we get to the bottom of the box, whatever the flavor. If I ran the popsicle company, I would make sure there were 12 of each flavor in the box. That way, most families would be covered: 2 kids, 3 kids, 4 kids, 5 kids plus dad, and 6 kids (not including dad); now EVERYBODY can have the same flavor each time. Why is that so hard???

5. We occasionally have ice cream. Last time I took some outside for RF & LMcB, I delivered it with the song, "I scream, You scream, we all scream for ice cream...." I know for a fact this was not the first time LMcB has heard that song, but he asked (in a serious voice), "We ALL scream for ice cream? Why do we scream? Do we scream 'Yay'?" Maybe I'll make the "Yay" mandatory before he gets ice cream again. :)

6. This does not include me or the kids, but Jason has put up his own little shelter inside our fireworks tent; he wrapped it in plastic, cut a hole in it, and put an air conditioner in there! He sits in his little shelter until a customer comes in the tent. And he even sleeps in there. It's a great setup. Now why didn't we think of that when I was at the tent every single day??? I had to stick my head in our little dorm-room refrigerator whenever I wanted a breath of fresh air. He's gotten much better at rigging things over the years, I guess.

7. I almost forgot, but we go to the FREE MOVIES that Regal puts on every week! That is just too awesome. Their website is just in case you are interested...interested in taking RF & LMcB with you!!!! Have I said that I LOVE the free movies yet? I LOVE THE FREE MOVIES!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I hope y'all are staying cool too. I love the summer, so I'll take the "oppressive heat" if that's what it takes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loving the blog Misty! Do you take all 3 to the movies by yourself? Brave girl :) Glad you guys are having such a fun summer!! We love you!