What a wonderful, lazy morning. Jason had to go to work, of course (which is weird anyway because we've had so much snow he hasn't had a full week of school since early December), but the boys and I were laying around, watching cartoons, thinking about what we might do to pass the time today. Little Lady was even still asleep, and I was going to let her sleep since she wouldn't have to take such an early nap because we wouldn't have to pick Dub up from school today.
We lazily came downstairs at about 8:00, a full two hours after Dub and Bo usually get up on a school day. Dub started playing on the computer, Bo started playing with cars, LL was still sleeping...and I happened checked my cell phone. Our next-door neighbors, who carpool with us to school ~ they take the kids to school, and we bring them all home ~ had texted me at 6:52 this morning, asking if Dub was going to school today. What?, I thought. There's no school today! So I texted her back. Surely she had discovered that she was mistaken, there actually wasn't school today. I even felt kind of bad for her because she has a full-time job and would have to figure out what to do with her kids since she hadn't realized there was no school today.
Oh, no, she replied, there IS school today! They had come to get Dub at about 6:50, just like normal, even rang the doorbell and beat on the door, and when we didn't answer, she texted me but eventually went on without him. We never even heard any of that. We were too busy laughing at Curious George, I guess.
I still thought something must be wrong because I was so
sure there was no school today. I looked at the only school calendar I had handy, the February lunch menu. Sure enough, it looked like today
was a normal school day. My head started to spin. It just
couldn't be right...it was supposed to be parent/teacher conference day! But according to that calendar, the conferences were scheduled for this coming Tuesday. Still thinking that I was right and the world was wrong, I tried to find the paper that told when our conference appointment time would be ~ and even
it actually had the nerve to have Tuesday's date on it.
Coming into the realization that maybe
I was the one who should be pitied, I told Dub what was going on. Talk about devastation. That poor boy was the saddest little guy in the world at that moment. He actually
cried, and I don't mean crocodile tears or a whiny cry, a genuine heartbroken cry. I felt so terrible for building up our day of non-stop play, and playgrounds, and bicycles, only to have to tell him "Never mind, you have to go to school." I was heartbroken for him.
So he got ready, although the entire time he was kind of begging me to let him stay home because he didn't want to go. "Well, I'm sorry Dub, but you
have to go. Even Daddy doesn't want to go to work sometimes, but he has to." I had to grab LL out of bed, and give her a half a banana to eat on the way, still in her nightgown. She wasn't phased in the least, by the way. Dub was "only" an hour and a half late to school; our excuse note said the truth ~ that we really thought there was no school today. Jason thinks I just assumed there would be snow days today and tomorrow, which actually also makes sense.
To kind of atone for my big, fat mess-up, I promised to come eat lunch with him today. At least that put a smile on his face. By the time we saw him at lunch, he was over his disappointment that today was not a free-day. He was his usual goofy self, thank goodness.
I still have no idea why in the world I thought there was no school today. And I still feel so disoriented. I think there really actually was no school today, it's just an early April Fool's Day joke. An elaborate one, granted, but a reeeeaaallllly good one! Way to go, MJ Elementary! You got us good! I'll be thinking of a good one to play on them....